Here a short list of my new favorites:
Sticky, Chewy, Messy, Gooey Treats for Kids

This is a fun book that has recipes that allows kids to be hands on with the baking and cooking process. Even though I don’t have kids (I am very much a kid at heart) the recipes still looked very yummy and colorful pictures would be attractive to any age.
Sticky, Chewy, Messy, Gooey Treats

This is the first book written by Jill O’Connor and the one that got me hooked. Its full of recipes that make you want to just lick the pages!!!
Martha Stewart Cupcake Book

I am a HUGE Martha Stewart fan. I mean anyone who can survive jail, and come out wearing a smile and pearls is okay in my book. Every time she releases a book I am on a mission to rush out and get it. When I heard this book was being released, I had to stop myself from camping out in front of Barnes and Nobles to be the first one to get it. The pictures are truly amazing and there are so many different recipes to choose from. I also like at the end of the book how she provides cute ways to package your cupcakes. This book is truly a dream for me. Martha Stewart + Cupcakes = A happy me!!! (I would also recommend checking out the Martha Stewart Cookie Book too)
Birthday Cakes: Recipes and Memories from Celebrated Bakers

This book is so fun, along with wonderful recipes by very well knows bakers; they each share a story about why they choose that recipe. Who ever styled the book did a great job; there are a ton of little details like colorful cake liners and long French candles. I think I spent a whole day looking at the pictures and then I went back and read the book. I mean just look at the cover and that will give you an idea of what your in store for inside.
The Farm Chicks in the Kitchen

This is another book I stumbled across in the bookstore. I very much judge books by their cover and this cover had me intrigued. I decided to flip through the book on the drive home, and I sat in the car until I finished the whole book. This is a really good book, not only filled with recipes (of all sorts) but also craft ideas. After I read this lovely book I sent the authors an email to tell them how great I thought it was, and they responded back to me the next day with a very warm Thank-You. This book reminds me more like a family scrapbook, its filled with great stories, family pictures.
You can find most of the books pretty cheap on both Amazon and Ebay. I hope you guys enjoy my list and let me know if you have any good recommendations for me to check out.
OMC Martha is totally my cooking/crafting/baking guilty pleasure! I love her! I have her cupcake cookbook, too :)
She is my culinary/crafting guilty pleasure just like the Olsen Twins are my cheesy movie guilty pleasure. Haha. Oops, did I just type that? ;)
I have the MS Cookies book. Don't you just love it? I need to swing by and get the Cupcakes one. You just know that Martha stays awake at night thinking of new goodies.
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