Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Cake Flour

I’ve been gone for a few days visiting my family in Missouri and had so much fun! While I was out there my mother had mentioned something about the cost of cake flour up there. I almost died when she told me that cake flour was only $1.49 a box, where as here in Texas its almost $2.50 a box.

I decided to do some bulk shopping and stock piled on cake flour. To my surprise the cake flour they were selling was by Pillsbury called Softasilk,

That was my first time every seeing this product. When I go shopping for my baking supplies the only kind of cake flour I ever see is Swan’s Down.

Do you guys know of any other cake flour brands I should be keeping an eye out for? I would love to know what other brands are out there.

When I got to the register the lady ringing me up, made the comment that you can use all-purpose flour plus cornstarch if you don’t have cake flour on hand. Knowing that baking is an exact science I am so scared to use substitutions. I’ve read many articles and blog post offering substitutions when you don’t have something on hand. My concern is always that my product will not come out as good as it should.

I also picked up a ton of Holiday Baking guides and can’t wait to try out some new holiday desserts. On Thanksgiving on the drive to Missouri we stopped at this amish bakery in Oklahoma. It was filled with comfort desserts, no frills and nothing fancy. We picked up several pies to take home and they were so yummy. I am not a big fan of pumpkin pie, but there pie was so creamy and very light on spice. I’ve made a note to make a “pie” stop everytime I go home!!
Well I've missed you all and can't wait to start posting some fun stuff again!


Miss Dot said...

I'm all for Amish pie stops!

As for that cake flour substitution that the cashier lady told you, I've used that substitution with no real noticeable drastic difference. I figure it'd probably do just fine if it's something ridiculous like 2:00 in the morning and you're in a pinch :-/

Miss Dot said...

I posted a little "thank you" for my fun prizes!!

Paris Pastry said...

Where I live, we only have Softasilk cake flour. But I'm not too fond of it; I can always taste the difference with all-purpose flour, so I'd rather use AP flour with cornstarch.